Frequently Asked Questions

What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that helps to improve our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. There are many aspects of yoga but, in the West, we primarily think of yoga as the physical postures called asanas.

How is yoga different from stretching or Pilates?
The biggest difference between yoga and Pilates is the emphasis of spirituality in yoga. Pilates is focused more on core strength and overall muscle tone. While yoga also focuses on these same aspects, it also encompasses meditation and breathwork, or pranayama, to help ease stress and allow the body and mind to relax deeper.

I’m not flexible, can I still do yoga?
Yes! The goal of yoga is not to become more flexible or stronger, but to become more in tune with ourselves and our bodies and create more space to allow our hearts to open and grow.

Do I need to bring my own mat?
All students are welcome to bring their own mats. We also have mats available at the studio at no extra charge.

What is the different between Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga?
Ashtanga yoga practices the same sequence and series of poses in a specific order. Vinyasa yoga uses a lot of the same poses but in no particular order. Vinyasa yoga also focuses a lot on linking breath to movement and has more of a flowing rhythm to the class.

What are the benefits of yoga?
Some benefits of yoga are increased flexibility, increased muscle strength, improved posture, increased blood flow, better body awareness, better concentration, and so much more!

Do I need to stay for the savasana?
Yes! The savasana is one of the most important aspects of yoga. It allows the body and mind to fully relax and recover after your practice. Some of the benefits of savasana, or corpse pose, are a decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, relaxing muscle tension and stress, and increased mental awareness and concentration.

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