Frequently Asked Questions

What is Aerial Hoop (Lyra)?
An aerial hoop (also known as lyra or cerceau) is a metal apparatus suspended in the air. It is used for dancing and performing aerial acrobatics.

What are the benefits of Aerial classes?
Our aerial classes will help you build muscle, tone your body, and increase your flexibility, balance and self confidence. The classes also give you bragging rights!

What should I wear to class?
Wear something you are comfortable in. We recommend fitted clothing because loose clothing can get caught in the aerial fabric. We do go upside down during class, so keep that in mind when picking out your outfit. Absolutely no jewelry! Jewelry can cause rips and tears in the fabric. When taking a lyra class, we recommend you wear socks to protect your feet.

I don’t have any upper body strength!
Aerial dance is physically demanding. Just like anything, it requires work, dedication and practice. Do not feel discouraged if you discover you’re not an ‘aerial ballerina’ the moment you climb into the fabrics for the first time. It does get easier over time.

Is there a weight limit?
The weight limit on our equipment is 396 lbs.

Do I need prior experience?
No, we will teach you the basics and help you build your strength along the way!

How many students are in class?
We allow 4 students in our lyra class and 6 in any of our aerial classes. We currently have 2 lyras and 6 hammocks. This allows us to have small classes sizes and focus on the skill level of the individual.

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