Our Mission
FLEUR DE FEMME’S mission is to foster positive transformation in women via physical and interpersonal strength through body awareness, self-expression and feminine empowerment. Our vision is for women to feel comfortable and confident in their expression; physically own what they say; be unapologetic about who they are; and free themselves to self-actualize.

Fleur de Femme Integrated Series
The Fleur De Femme Integrated Series is an 8 week long workshop consisting of meditation, sensual dance and movement, an intimate photography session, and a final performance. Are you interested in hosting a Fleur de Femme workshop at your studio? Please contact (216) 227-9710 or email manager@befitnesscle.com for details.
“When I dance, I dance also in my mind. I let the flow lead me. This improvisation is the ultimate freedom in self-expression. Embracing how your body moves and how it responds to different textures, temperatures and thoughts enhances your self-awareness. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable and letting your flow infuse with your soul’s natural rhythm, you learn clarity and self-love”. -Christina Anderson, Founder of Fleur De Femme
level 1
Level 1 of the Fleur de Femme Evolution Series is all about tapping into your sensual self and gaining a greater understanding of yourself and your purpose. The series is split into 3 different workshops over the course of 8 weeks. The first week is Body, Breath & Soul where we will get to know each other while we begin our journey of self-discovery. The following weeks are focused on sensual movement and dance. We will then do an intimate photography session in week 6 and reflect back on it through movement in week 7. The final week is our performance week where we will share our movement in a safe space.

Week 1 – Body, Breath & Soul: Finding Your Inner Truth
Week 2-5 – Sacred Sensual Self: Tapping into Your Sensual Self
Week 6 – Self-Love Photography: A Positive Body Image Experience
Week 7 – Looking Inward with Reflective Movement
Week 8 – Performance and Reflection
Body Breath & Soul Level 1
Body, Breath & Soul is about creating a sacred space for expressing yourself through journaling, movement, meditation and spiritual connection. It’s about finding your truth by looking inward, peeling away layers, and finding your true essence. We create our sacred space with meaningful personal items. Fill your space with a meaningful quote or a poem, and any other items that uplift your spirit, such as a rock, crystal or a feather. When we create space through rituals of prayer, meditation or dance, we allow ourselves to be free from the ego. When we connect the heart and mind with our true essence, a deep union of spirit can blossom.
Sacred Sensual Self Level 1
Sacred Sensual Self is about reclaiming your sensuality and merging your sensuality with your soul. We do this through choreography that guides your loving being to self-expression and empowerment. The instructor will lead you through meditative flow, sensual movements and rhythmic sequences that allow you to confidently own your space. Sensual Flow Technique taps into your relationship with yourself and your body image. All the nuances of flow movement can be symbolic and wildly liberating.
Self-Love Photography Series Level 1
Our Self-Love Photography Series is meant for you to experience liberation through the lens. We wish for you to feel beautiful in your own skin and nurture a positive body image. You will gain confidence and experience vulnerability through this transformative study. The workshop will be broken down into two sessions. For the first session, students will be paired up. You will be asked to explore the space with your partner for the individual photo shoots. You will be supported throughout the creative with experience, suggestions and guidance offered.
You will…
Experience what it is to be the subject (model)
Experience what is is to be the artist/photographer or observer of beauty
By participating as both the model and photographer, you will experience the joy of creating art and the acceptance and veneration of your body as a beautiful landscape. There is something very personal and therapeutic in finding your own beauty, as well as witnessing the journey of another. The 2 hour session will be an exploration and a communal experience.
The following week’s 30-minute photography session will be solo and held privately in the studio for you to create your self-portraits through mirroring and capturing your reflection on film.
Please wear all black. Sports bra, booty shorts ( or full back panties) and tank top are recommended.
*You will receive a USB of your edited images.

Paid in Full – Members $300 / Non-Members $350
Paid in 2 Installments – Members $175 each installment / Non-Members $200 each installment
level 2
Level 2 of the Fleur de Femme Evolution Series is about digging deeper into the self, building confidence to tell your story and expressing your sensual self. The flow of the series will be the same as in Level 1, but with a greater focus on deepening your understanding of self and learning how to speak your truth.

Week 1 – Body, Breath & Soul: Speaking Your Inner Truth
Weeks 2-5 – Sacred Sensual Self: Digging Deeper
Week 6 – Self-Love Photography: Your Body as a Canvas
Week 7 – Looking Inward with Reflective Movement
Week 8 – Performance and Reflection
Body Breath & Soul Level 2
As you learn to tap into your inner truth and your sensual self, you must also learn how to communicate from this place. This is a new depth of our soul that may be unfamiliar to us and to others. In order to really speak from this place within us, we must let go of our egos. We will focus on our breath to help us connect to our truest selves. We will visualize our truth radiating from our bodies and repeat this process so it penetrates our souls. We will focus on movements and poses that open our throat chakras so we can better see and speak our truth.
“She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.”
Sacred Sensual Self Level 2
We have scratched the surface of our sensual selves and now it’s time to learn who we really are without our ego. We will learn to move with intention by focusing on all the senses in our bodies. As you move, really feel the music pulsing through your body. Close your eyes and bring your focus to your body and how it feels, not how it looks, while you move. What is it that your body wants to say?
Self-Love Photography Series Level 2
Tap into your creative expression with body paint. Paint strokes will become a second skin, one to express yourself with. Let colors, words and symbols express your soul in combination with the movement of your body. Paint your body how you like, cover it or unveil it. The choice is yours.
Each participant will stand center stage while the other participants tap into their creativity and become the artist/photographer, capturing your beauty as is.
*Please bring your USB from Level 1 to receive your edited images

Paid in Full – Members $300 / Non-Members $350
Paid in 2 Installments – Members $175 each installment / Non-Members $200 each installment
level 3
Level 2 of the Fleur de Femme Evolution Series is about digging deeper into the self, building confidence to tell your story and expressing your sensual self. The flow of the series will be the same as in Level 1, but with a greater focus on deepening your understanding of self and learning how to speak your truth.

Week 1 – Body, Breath & Soul: Releasing Your Truth
Weeks 2-5 – Sacred Sensual Self: Becoming One
Week 6 – Self-Love Photography: I Am Of This
Week 7 – Looking Inward with Reflective Movement
Week 8 – Performance and Reflection
Body Breath & Soul Level 3
It is time to release your truth. Once you have found and spoken your truth, you must surrender it to the universe so that it can fully become yours. We will contemplate how we express ourselves to the outside world and how that world perceives who we are. Are we communicating our truest selves to others? Or are we still hiding behind layers of fear and self-doubt? We can only be open to abundance and new opportunities if we can truly be vulnerable and allow others to see who we really are. We will learn how to let go of judgments, release our fears, and embrace our authentic selves so that we can share this gift with everyone we meet.
Sacred Sensual Self Level 3
Everyone has their own story. Let us take off our “coat” and “armor” and see what emerges. We will reconnect to the spiral and flow of the universe’s communal love and energy. We will learn how to dance and move together as one through various techniques, including contact improvisation. Each student will have the opportunity to lead the entire group and feel what it’s like to hold space for others while sharing intimate parts of themselves. We will learn how to communicate with others via movement and non-verbal cues. This allows us to create a stronger connection with each other and allow universal love and energy to flow between us. By the end of the workshop, we will be able to move seamlessly and fluidly as one being.
Self-Love Photography Series Level 3
Soft, subtle, real and raw. Be at one with the elements. Feel the water wash over you, the breeze float about you. The sand and dirt become a part of you. Look up to the sky, feel the sun, listen to the universe.
“You are not a single drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” -Rumi
*Please bring your USB from Level 1 to receive your edited images

Paid in Full – Members $300 / Non-Members $350
Paid in 2 Installments – Members $175 each installment / Non-Members $200 each installment
Fleur de Femme Intensive Series
The Level 1, 2, and 3 Fleur de Femme Intensive Series are perfect for the woman who does not have the time to commit to the 8 week long integrated series. All the intensive series cover the same material as the 8 week workshops but in one compressed weekend, 10 hours over the course of 2 days. We will start the weekend with Body, Breath & Soul where we will get to know each other while we begin our journey of self-discovery. The rest of the day is focused on sensual movement and dance. The following day we will do an intimate photography session and then reflect back on it through movement. The weekend ends with everyone performing and sharing their movement in a safe space.
Level 1 of the Fleur de Femme Intensive Series is all about tapping into your sensual self, and gaining a greater understanding of who you are and your purpose.
Day 1 – Body, Breath & Soul: Finding Your Inner Truth | Sacred Sensual Self: Tapping into Your Sensual Self
Day 2 – Self-Love Photography: A Positive Body Image Experience | Looking Inward with Reflective Movement | Performance and Reflection
Level 2 of the Fleur de Femme Intensive Series is about digging deeper into the self, building confidence to tell your story and expressing your sensual self.
Day 1 – Body, Breath & Soul: Speaking Your Inner Truth | Sacred Sensual Self: Digging Deeper
Day 2 – Self-Love Photography: Your Body as a Canvas | Looking Inward with Reflective Movement | Performance and Reflection.
Level 3 of the Fleur de Femme Intensive Series is about gaining the confidence to share your sensual self and your story with others.
Day 1 – Body, Breath & Soul: Releasing Your Truth | Sacred Sensual Self: Becoming One
Day 2- Self Love Photography: I Am of This | Looking Inward with Reflective Movement | Performance and Reflection
Visit “Workshops” on MindBody for the next series