Contact us

Desk Hours

Monday-Thursday 9AM-1:30PM / 4:30PM-8:30PM
Friday 9AM-1:30PM / 4PM-7:30PM
Saturday 9AM-1PM Sunday 9AM-7PM

*Please note: These are the hours that someone is available at the desk. We are available for parties and private lessons outside of these hours. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.

 (216) 227-9710

 (440) 941-5034 (text only)

Be Fitness 
10400 Clifton Blvd
Cleveland, OH 44102

We are on the corner of West 104th St and Clifton Blvd. Parking is available on West 104th St. all day, every day and on Clifton Blvd before 4:30pm and after 6:30pm weekdays, and all day on the weekends. 

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